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your contribution will directly help JAAGO Foundation based in Bangladesh, which houses Nabela's non-profit, Noor House.

fighting for girls' education with every purchase

a message from our founder:

In September of 2019, I traveled to Bangladesh with my husband Seth and my family. My hope was to introduce Seth to my country, my culture and the beautiful people of Bangladesh. We traveled to various cities, villages and tourist attractions. The most memorable experience included a trip to a JAAGO school in Banani, Dhaka. 

JAAGO Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Bangladesh committed to breaking the cycle of poverty by providing free access to education and resources to underprivileged and impoverished

Bangladeshi children. 

When Seth and I entered the school, we just knew we were led to JAAGO for a reason. We immediately fell in love with the students as they gave us a tour and even welcomed us to sit in on their Science Fair. We were lucky enough to get to know their dreams and aspirations and we knew we wanted to be a part of helping their dreams come true. 

And thus, Noor House was born. 

In collaboration with JAAGO Foundation, the Noor House Scholarship program focuses on the sponsorship and commitment to girls education at the Banani Branch in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Currently, 20 girls ages 5-7 are enrolled in the Noor House Scholarship Program and receive free education and resources as well as vital tools for their growth and development into the strong, trailblazing leaders they are destined to be. 

With every purchase, a portion of proceeds will go directly to JAAGO Foundation.

$5 from every Always Enough Dress, $5 from every Forever Yours Sweater, $5 from every Girl Of My Dreams Cardigan purchase, $2 from every Embrace Me Scarf Purchase and $2 from every Take Care Scrunchie & Mask Bundle is donated to JAAGO and will help in the fight for girls' education. 

Thank you for joining me as we champion girls' education through unapologetic celebration. As we embrace our bodies and our stories with each thoughtfully crafted product, we will help cultivate a more confident generation of brilliant game-changers.

And to me - that's what Zeba is all about. 

With love and Noor,


how you've given back

From each Zeba sale, we donate a portion to JAAGO Foundation, which houses Nabela's non-profit, Noor House. With your help, funds donated were able to provide hundreds of families in Dhaka, Bangladesh with care packages including food, personal care items & transportation funds throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

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